Flutter Animation: In this article, we will see how can we animate a circle, how can we repeat animation and how can we rotate a circle in the flutter. Source: LottieFiles.com Animate a Circle: To animate a circle in Flutter, you can use the AnimatedContainer widget. This widget allows you...
Continue reading...Bilal Ahmad
Complete detail about Flutter state managements in the flutter
In general, there are several state management techniques that can be used in Flutter to manage the state of a widget or application. These include: Source Unsplash.com setState setState is a built-in method provided by Flutter that allows a widget to mark itself as “dirty” and requires a rebuild. It...
Continue reading...Prize money for FIFA world cup winner and runner up
The climax of the FIFA world cup is going to the final round between the previous champion France and Argentina. The final will be held on Sunday, December 18. Football fans consider that this contest will be very tough and enjoyable between these teams. Both nations will take a shot...
Continue reading...Google decided to make the Chrome Use Less RAM
In this article, we will provide you with news about Google that they decided to make google Chrome Use Less RAM. Right Now chrome is an application on your desktop to take up a lot of RAM space even you can check it by moving on to the usage of...
Continue reading...How to enable Energy Saver mode in Google Chrome
Make the chrome very easier on your device battery by using Energy Saver mode. Google Chrome is an application that everyone knows, it uses a lot of resources in the backend, and due to this reason, the battery of the device goes down very quickly. After the Release of google...
Continue reading...Important Facts about the Fifa World Cup
In this article, we will see some important facts about the Fifa World Cup. 1) What does Fifa stand for?2) When first international football match was played?3) When Fifa world cup beginning?4) Fifa world cup history’s first goal?5) What happened to Fifa in world war 2?6) World cup winning teams?...
Continue reading...AppBar – Widget of the Day #02 | Flutter Beginner Guide
In this article, we will learn about the AppBar widget. We can use this package only inside Scaffold. We will also see some properties of appbar that we can be use in appbar widget and make it more beautiful according to the our requirements. Let’s start the work: Contents Overview...
Continue reading...How to use PinPut Flutter Package in Flutter 2022
In this article, we will learn how can we use the PinPut Flutter package. PIN input (PinPut) field widget for Flutter with paste from clipboard functionality. To use this package first, we will make a verification code screen, then in this screen will implement the pinput widget and its properties...
Continue reading...Scaffold – Widget of the day #01 | Flutter Beginner
In this article, We will see the flutter Scaffold widget. we will understand all its properties and also the things we use in every project. In our flutter project, we declare each and everything under the scaffold widget. Scaffold widget has many properties like app bar, drawer, backgroundColor, floating action...
Continue reading...5G | Everything you need to know about 5G
In this article, we will explain about 5G technology. what is 5G, who invented 5G, how 5G works, how it’s changing the world, the difference between the previous generation and the new generation, how 5G is better than 4G, and much more… What is 5G? 5G is the 5th generation...
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